invigorating study
I will thank you because I am marvelously made. Your works are wonderful and I know this well.
Psalms 139:14
unrelenting unobstructed renewal
authorize the character
manage triggers, channels and frequencies (flow, fields, zone
Allow for the courage to define the day
within the constructs and constraints
the rich magnitude of opportune unfolding
between rational needs and the dream at hand
ability to perceive the whole
distinct advantage presented in the moment
my divine circumstance
my own right; elements of favor
settings; burdened and furnished
particular and peculiar vantage point/advantage
return on conversation
fresh bold creative, innovative incentive
traction of analysis
The Vital:
guarded and guided
captured and directed
refined into relevance
kindled and corralled
elusive and profound
developed into a dynamic
perpetuated into momentum
concentrated into a force
to come into view
to grow into relevance
do not bury and neglect the dis-ease
but move to cure, restore, invigorate
On the other side awaits the experience and frequency of an unprecedented frontier;
cognitive realm
what area, what realm can we pour into today?
when we take our settings and resources for granted, we diminish its value. The quality of energy in a situation deteriorates and deflates if we're not consistent in the maintenance, nurturing and nourishing of the energies and infrastructure at hand.
proper vehicle for conveying instruction
never neglect the essential:
commitment to cause
consistent and steady application
aim to be measured and deliberate:
articulate the objective
identify bite sized tasks and execute with flow
find the humor
the rhythm
the dance in the day
to become willing, is the upmost vital first step in any lofty endeavor.
a very gradual process, spontaneously punctuated by instances of setback or favor.
"the clamor of deteriorating desires and ambitions within must be silenced (gradually extinguished) as sacrifice for a higher more novel condition
We can AIM to change the conditions, or AIM to change our approach and understanding of the condition.
a budget allows us to identify the areas we can pour into
Ceiling and floor, what's the maximum and minimum effort needed to accomplish a worthy task?
How do we respond to the hints and signals; by the greater powers in play; the guidance; response-ability
divine implications urging a higher direction